It's definitely not for everyone and anyone.
Some are used to seeing their s/o EVERYDAY or every other day or something.
Not in this case. I get a lot of questions as to why and all these other things. for those curious to see what it's like, this post may answer some of your curious questions.
First off, I'll say I admire the men and women in uniform. It takes a lot to sign up for something in which you don't know what you're getting yourself into until you're there. Consider this, they're miles from home, living with the same sex and have long days of work.
Who you date in the military will and can have a different outcome, but in the end we all face the same things. one particular and dreadful thing: deployment.
Each branch is different. Each MOS is different, that's why my words are coming from someone who is deeply in love with a grunt in the Marine Corps. for those of those who don't know, you can google it, but I can provide a simple definition: a Marine by foot. (that's what it said on some website haha).
His work days can be very long, sometimes I don't hear from him until the afternoon. When he's in the field we go 4 or more days without a conversation. I get a simple "I love you" text as soon as he can text me. To be honest, I love those text messages, it's like waiting for Christmas to come. His work? it doesn't bother me. The fact that he can't be texting me constantly or calling me everyday doesn't bother me one bit. I have grown so used to our schedule and our ways I wouldn't want to change it. My friend, in particular, Vanessa, tells me all the time, "I don't know how you do it, this whole military thing." She admits to me that she couldn't do it and that she'd want attention most of the time. That's fine and everything, nothing wrong with that, in fact that's probably a normal civilian relationship. But, I wouldn't trade my situation for anything else in the world. I know he's busy doing something productive. He's not out rolling joints, getting completely smashed in the middle of the work week or something. He goes to bed early and his day starts early. As I sit here, writing this, I don't understand what is so wrong with my situation, haha.
I was talking to my boyfriend and he said something like this: "Marine Corps girlfriend, wrong person to vent to about missing someone." honestly.... it's really true. I've gotten things like "ugh, he hasn't replied in like an hour." or "I haven't seen him in x days (x days being no longer than a week) I miss him soooo much." May I remind you, most of the girls telling me these things live close within each other, lol. I don't mind hearing it...but I just kind of sit there, not complaining, and wonder if they realize who they're telling this to. I don't know, maybe it's just me & my short temper, but, it's something that gets to me & gives me a little chuckle weeks later.
I not only have my other half in the military, but, close friends. So, over time I have learned waaay too much about the Marine Corps, ha. Also, I have a slight idea of what our first deployment will be like.
It's going to suck. It's going to be a bitch. But, it's going to be worth it, because he IS worth it. I can't post dates as to when he's leaving, where he'll be going, how long he'll be gone. All for OPSEC reasons. (Operations Security). This just basically states to not post any private deployment information online because it can jeopardize our troops and deployments.
Now for the fun part!! FAQs ! hahaha.. Yes, I do feel it's necessary.
Q: "Oh my God, how do you do it not seeing him everyday?"
A: Well you see, I don't like to be breathing down his neck all the time. Our time spent together is very well valued and appreciated. 95% I don't answer phone calls. Sorry. It's just the way it happens. RARELY do I reply to text messages.. sometimes I reply the next day. I got a phone call and an angry phone call saying "well I guess you couldn't help". Sorry dude, figure it out for yourself, ass. I'm at dinner, I'm not going to answer when you never call.
Q: "Ugh, he totally didn't text back. How do you not loose your mind?"
A: He's in the field. He can't text. I am a big girl, I don't like my panties in a bunch. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Look into it.
Q: "I don't know why girls do that... blah blah blah" (this one comes from my co-worker)
A: I just do. you've adapted to your relationship, I've adapted to mine. We're different people. I don't need the same things you need. I go to school and he goes to work. It all works out by itself. This life isn't meant for everyone.
Q: (More like stupid comments from other Marines). "Where is he going? Well, you just lost him in Thailand."
A: No, dick, I didn't. Unlike YOU, I trust him.
Q: (more stupid Marine input) "You know he's going to cheat, right?"
A: You know your input means nothing to me seeing how you have no girlfriend, cheat and have the mentality of a 5 year old? Sorry, I'm not taking advice from someone whose been engaged twice and taken it as a joke.
Q: "There's beautiful women in Thailand, they'll have sex with you for about 30 US dollars. Do you trust him enough?"
A: Yes.
I love these from my mom...
"You know, they'll send him away, and say you guys get married, .. you're going to be alone."
"Yeah, I know. I know what I'm getting myself into."
She thinks I'm complicating my life. Honestly, it's really not that Just not for everyone.
My mom loves the "there's a girl at each port"
While that may be a Navy quote, it applies to each branch. It is true. You just need to learn to trust and make sure who your s/o is. On the bright side, if you're married and the military finds out, they can get kicked out. (morbid, I know lol).
Overall, I know what I'm getting myself into. I know how the Marine Corps is and how unexpected it is. He knows I can handle it. he wouldn't be with me if I couldn't. He's not stupid.
At the end of the day, he's willing to wait for me to finish school and I'm willing to wait through all his deployments. Because that's who we are and how we are. There's no doubt about it. I'm preparing myself for sending care packages and letters. Anything for him :)
Theres a .1% he's reading this ENTIRE thing. If you are, I love you and know that no matter how many deployments, I'll always be waiting. <3
Totally true! Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Like in my case, my fiance is in the U.S. and I'm here in the Philippines. The time difference makes it hard for us to talk and that's all part of it. The distance actually makes us closer and it makes us really value trust and commitment.
ReplyDeleteI love reading this post! Very much well said! :)
Thank you :D
ReplyDeletethe time difference does make it hard..but at the end of the day it's worth it and you become closer than a relationship in which you see them EVERYDAY because you know you love him more than just the physical aspect. You know that you truly love him emotionally :) <3
Hi! I loved reading this, and remembering that there are other people out there living military relationships. I agree that it's not for everyone; it takes two very strong people who know exactly what they want from each other...which comes down to a lot of love and commitment. oh and I adore my marine too!